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(base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

Deploying contracts with account: 0x1eD6025c5c6859337bFbe15Cd64b30FF88962605 Account balance: 165435580640024383 WavePortal address: 0xf5F5AdB9909A28BF881FFE55eB5A24cF39Bf8806

Contract Address: WavePortal: 0xf5F5AdB9909A28BF881FFE55eB5A24cF39Bf8806

[x] 1. We need to deploy it again.

[x] 2. We need to update the contract address on our frontend.

  1. We need to update the abi file on our frontend.

(base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby Deploying contracts with account: 0x1eD6025c5c6859337bFbe15Cd64b30FF88962605 Account balance: 164723334131764829 WavePortal address: 0x2399dcB46b457da4646d1DDF5A539D4ca4C5C2A4 (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %

[x] 1. We need to deploy it again.

[x] 2. We need to update the contract address on our frontend.

[x] 3. We need to update the abi file on our frontend.

(base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully Deploying contracts with account: 0x1eD6025c5c6859337bFbe15Cd64b30FF88962605 Account balance: 160092643463311336 WavePortal address: 0xE1fA7aA5714B97C0161df5c137c4a488f2949323 (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %

[x] 1. We need to deploy it again.

[x] 2. We need to update the contract address on our frontend.

[x] 3. We need to update the abi file on our frontend.

(base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby Compiled 1 Solidity file successfully Deploying contracts with account: 0x1eD6025c5c6859337bFbe15Cd64b30FF88962605 Account balance: 157273073444658091 WavePortal address: 0xF1eaa275676e94712FcD5226595362A64AF68F8c (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %

(base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby Deploying contracts with account: 0x1eD6025c5c6859337bFbe15Cd64b30FF88962605 Account balance: 155049158423230419 WavePortal address: 0x484124904Cc0d4712f58A60C804382b895a584A4 (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %

  • 6/16/2022 (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

[x] WavePortal address: 0xBE76d8D9efE36944760145D263591Dd077856c76

[x] update contractAddress in frontend

[x] copy abi file data from artifacts>WavePortal.json to utils>WavePortal.json

  • 6/16/22 (base) @mbp my-wave-portal %npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby Compiled 2 Solidity files successfully WavePortal address: 0x5d94d98e9aAE67a7852c7A0AECe62d62b8f8F7c4