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Building a Web3 app with Solidity - Part 3

· 4 min read
Asia K

So, I've completed the "Building a Web3 app with Solidity" project. Whoop de whoop!!!

They rewarded me with a cyuteee NFT on OpenSea! (pictured below)

Saiph NFT

Here's the UI (mobile view)

Smart Contract Reader

Want to test it out? Unfortunately, the contract is out of funds. But you can still view transactions on the blockchain and view the UI.

  • Click here.
  • Make sure you have MetaMask installed. Click here for instructions on installing the digital wallet.
  • Fund the wallet.

It's deployed on Etherscan Rinksby Testnet Network, so no need to spend any actual cash. If you need a testnet, I've found chainlink's testnet to be reliable and quick.

More on Chainlink coming soon. But for now, if you need to fund your testnet wallet, I recommend their Rinkeby faucet as it's been working better for me than others that I've tried. Also, the User Interface is easy to navigate and pleasantly easy on the eyes.


There is a bug in my code where after clicking on the "Confirm" button shows the contract to be classified as "Unapproved". But, clicking on the data row that says "Unapproved", you will be prompted to confirm once more. At that point, the block will be mined and the transaction confirmed.


I learned of a way to deploy smart contracts that can be upgraded through OpenZeppelin. The next Smart contract project deployment will definitely have to take advantage of this functionality to keep a project like this testable!

Here are the links to the...