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Bug Fix 2 - Setting Docusaurus Blog as Landing Page

· 3 min read
Asia K

With the exception of the logo, blog title, and tagline, here is what the landing page looked like out the box.

Landing Page Before

For the purpose of this integration, the preferred option was allowing users to land directly on the blog.


Created a new branch for development. To do this, I typed the following command into the terminal:

git checkout -b land-on-blog

This returned:

Switched to a new branch 'land-on-blog'

According to the Docusaurus documentation:

You can run your Docusaurus 2 site without a dedicated landing page and instead have your blog's post list page as the index page. Set the routeBasePath to be '/' to serve the blog through the root route instead of the subroute

Here is the example code they provide including a reminder to delete the existing homepage at ./src/pages/index.js

Blog Only Config

Here is the docusaurus.config.js file that exists in our codebase before making the changes described in the Docusaurus documentation.

Config Before

To make the required changes:

  1. The value, false was assigned to the key docs.

  2. The key/value pairs for: sidebarPath, and editUrl were removed.

  3. The key routeBasePath with the value '/' was added to serve the blog at the site root.

  4. The file at .src/pages/index.js was removed to resolve conflicts based on two pages (the old docs index, and the new blog index) being served from the same route.

sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.

(removed code from docusaurus.config.js)

Saving the docusaurus.config.js file returned the following warning in the terminal:

[WARNING] Duplicate routes found!
- Attempting to create page at /, but a page already exists at this route.
This could lead to non-deterministic routing behavior.

These changes, although followed to the letter, still caused a bug:

Page crashed

Deleting the src/pages/index.js, returned the following response in the terminal

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@site/src/pages/index.js' in '/Users/asialakaygradyloves/apps/asialakay-docs/.docusaurus'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@site/src/pages/index.js' in '/Users/asialakaygradyloves/apps/asialakay-docs/.docusaurus'

Further inspection through the developer tools tab in the browser menu, reveals the below message in the Console.

Uncaught Error

Steps attempted to solve the problem:

  • added the key path with the value blog (did not resolve bug)

  • Attempted npm uninstall @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs (did not resolve the bug).

  • Searched documentation for "plugin global data" found that their appears to be a bug that is documented on Github for this issue

  • Reviewed code in docusaurus.config.js item object key/value pairs referencing doc, docId, position, and tutorial.

Removed Doc Reference

The last step resolved the bug and allowed the page to load from the root on localhost.

However, on deployment...

Broken links on deployment

Attempts to fix:

  • changed /blog to blog in config (did not resolve bug)
  • noticed to key in navbar led to /blog, changed to / to match routeBasePath (fixed the bug)

Final result BEFORE: Landing on DOCS

AFTER: Landing on BLOG