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10 posts tagged with "dev"

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· 11 min read
Asia K

In Part 1,

  • We set up a local Ethereum network
  • Wrote a smart contract in Solidity
  • Compiled the contract and ran it locally
  • Stored data on the smart contract
  • deployed the smart contract locally and started building the User Interface
  • deployed the UI to Vercel

In this part, we will be

  • setting up Metamask
  • deploying the smart contract to a testnet
  • connecting a wallet to the web app calling the deployed smart contract from the web app

· 6 min read
Asia K

At this stage in my development as a software engineer, I'm happy to confess that I've built up some antibodies to defend against a once paralyzing case of impostor syndrome. While there is always more to learn, it's been encouraging to achieve small wins that remind me of how far I've come since embarking on the challenging journey of becoming an 80% self-taught software engineer.

· 5 min read
Asia K

Internationalization Test 1

I've been interested foreign languages for as long as I can remember. One summer, I took an Arabic course at the city community college. Our professor, a dynamic and young native speaker from Morocco, shared her perspective of what it meant to greet a person in the person's native language. She called it a bridge and a way to build a positive connection. This resonated.